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The belief that human emissions are the sole cause of the CO₂ rise in the atmosphere is based on some persistent misunderstandings. The most important ones we will discuss here.

The present level in the atmosphere is a natural level and fully in line with the present greenness of the Earth, and the increase can be fully explained by the higher temperature. There is therefore  .... More

Even though nature is a net sink of CO₂, it can still be the cause of the CO₂ rise in the atmosphere. The so called Global Carbon Budget to blame human emissions is misleading and based on flawed book .... More

The idea of one single natural CO₂ level is largely based on the results of ice core drillings in Antarctica. They indicate a very stable level at around 280 ppm. It is however very unlikely that the  .... More

In the debate about the human contribution to the CO₂ increase, many discussions concern the adjustment time or recovery time of the atmosphere, i.e. the time it takes to restore the balance after a p .... More

In the discussion about the CO₂ rise, it is common to use observed changes in nature as an argument to blame human emissions, for example changes in the relative concentration of oxygen, carbon isotop .... More

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