About greenco2level.org
The belief that the increase in CO₂ concentrations in the atmosphere is the direct result of human emissions is deeply rooted. Nearly all scientific studies on the origins and impacts of climate change consider this, either overtly or implicitly, as a foundational premise. The government's entire climate policy is based on it and the idea is widely supported in society.
In recent years, more and more scientific publications have appeared that show that the current paradigm is unsustainable. It is true that people emit CO₂ and it is also true that the concentration is increasing, and the climate is changing. But no matter how much we want to blame people for everything, cause and effect are exactly the opposite and there is no accumulation of human CO₂ in the atmosphere.
On this website I will discuss this shift in our perspective, more in particular the fact that the present CO₂ concentration in the atmosphere is a natural level, fully consistent with the present greenness of the Earth. It summarizes my peer reviewed article in Science of Climate Change: 'Impact of global greening on the natural atmospheric CO₂ level' (Schrijver, F.J. (2024)).
The website aims to make factual information about the CO₂ increase accessible to a wider audience, without compromising the scientific quality. I have used peer reviewed sources, and I tried to present it in a reliable and responsible manner with references to underlying publications.
Frans Schrijver
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Beck, E.-G. (2021) ‘Reconstruction of Atmospheric CO2 Background Levels since 1826 from Direct Measurements near Ground’, 2.2, pp. 148–211. Available at: https://doi.org/10.53234/scc202112/16. Bereite .... More
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